by Tia Xiourouppas | May 30, 2023 | Featured Top Story, People and Food
One of the joys of food is that you can pick and choose what you eat each and every day without any concerns. For people with autism, this isn’t quite the same story. People with autism have to navigate through their food differently which can be challenging....
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 29, 2023 | Same Food Different Story
From shish to kofta, gyros to souvlaki, kebabs are beloved all across the world. Each region has their own delicious version of the dish that it’s so hard to choose a top five! Kebabs are a much-loved dish around the world and constitute a huge part of many...
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 25, 2023 | Waste not want not
Ever wondered where your sugar is coming from? Want to know how many air miles your tea has travelled to get to your cupboard? I know I’m not alone when I say I can’t stand having to do another weekly food shop. Planning my meals, clearing out my fridge, and setting...
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 24, 2023 | Back to Roots
Despite Albania being well-known for its medieval-era castles, exotic beaches, and being the birthplace of Mother Teresa, its also known for its national dish Tavë Kosi. Tavë Kosi is the beloved national dish of Albania, which is enjoyed throughout the country. The...
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 23, 2023 | Waste not want not
While vegans claim they’re saving the world, Omnis say they do the opposite. Read on to see whether veganism really is the most sustainable diet. Veganism has managed to polarise most of society (quite impressive really), and whether you think it’s a fad or a...