by Tia Xiourouppas | May 29, 2023 | Same Food Different Story
From shish to kofta, gyros to souvlaki, kebabs are beloved all across the world. Each region has their own delicious version of the dish that it’s so hard to choose a top five! Kebabs are a much-loved dish around the world and constitute a huge part of many...
by Ella Brooker | May 29, 2023 | Featured Top Story, People and Food
With veggie and vegan menus becoming more common, most people have now dabbled in plant based food. Whether that be a Quorn nugget or a McPlant. But what is behind the rise in veggie and vegan dining? I’m sure you know by now that dining out to eat veggie or vegan...
by Jasmine Faulkner | May 25, 2023 | Waste not want not
With the popularity of plant-based diets soaring, so are the demands for delicious vegetarian and vegan options. As the UK embraces the growing sustainable food system, fierce competition has emerged to claim the title of the nation’s best veggie burger. With numerous...
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 24, 2023 | Back to Roots
Despite Albania being well-known for its medieval-era castles, exotic beaches, and being the birthplace of Mother Teresa, its also known for its national dish Tavë Kosi. Tavë Kosi is the beloved national dish of Albania, which is enjoyed throughout the country. The...
by Siyu Ma | May 23, 2023 | Back to Roots
Do you know that salami can be made with turkey, donkey, or even horse meat? Have you ever tried one of these before? Salamis, which are commonly known to us, originated in Italy around the 18th century. They later became popular in countries such as Spain, France,...