by Siyu Ma | May 25, 2023 | Featured Top Story, Waste not want not
Do you know that you can get a noodle packet that is edible? This unique packaging may be the most sustainable yet. According to the World Instant Noodles Association (WINA), over 120 billion instant noodles got consumed in 2022, which is a lot of noodle packets....
by Tia Xiourouppas | May 23, 2023 | Waste not want not
While vegans claim they’re saving the world, Omnis say they do the opposite. Read on to see whether veganism really is the most sustainable diet. Veganism has managed to polarise most of society (quite impressive really), and whether you think it’s a fad or a...
by Siyu Ma | May 23, 2023 | Waste not want not
Does your tea bag contain plastic? If it does, consider changing to a more environmentally friendly one! Tea is an integral part of British culture, the drink not only functioned as a tasty staple in our everyday lives but also helped reduce the spread of waterborne...
by Ella Brooker | May 18, 2023 | Waste not want not
I consider myself to be conscious of the impact I have on the environment. I avoid single-use plastic, try to shop for second-hand clothes and would even walk in the rain to reduce how much I use my car. I also don’t buy meat in my food shop, swapped from semi-skimmed...
by Ella Brooker | May 18, 2023 | Waste not want not
Sustainability expert explains why most of our recycling ends up in landfill and what you can do at home to avoid this. What if I told you that the next load of carrot peel you chuck in the bin could contribute to as much C02 emissions as a quarter of all cars on the...