by Tia Xiourouppas | May 29, 2023 | Same Food Different Story
From shish to kofta, gyros to souvlaki, kebabs are beloved all across the world. Each region has their own delicious version of the dish that it’s so hard to choose a top five! Kebabs are a much-loved dish around the world and constitute a huge part of many...
by Siyu Ma | May 26, 2023 | Same Food Different Story
Offal is often looked at negatively due to it being the internal parts of an animal. However, it can be used to make some incredibly tasty dishes. The heart, lungs, brain, liver, cheeks and tongue all come under the banner of offal meat that can be used instead of...
by Jasmine Faulkner | Apr 24, 2023 | Featured Top Story, Same Food Different Story
Whether you are a guacamole connoisseur or an avocado toast aficionado, here is a mouth-watering journey around the world, exploring how eight different countries have made the avocado their own. Ahhh, the avocado: the beloved fruit everyone wants to smash on...